Escort Girl en Mallorca | Best Escort Girl in Mallorca For You

Escort Girl en Mallorca | Best Escort Girl in Mallorca For You

Best Escort Girl in Mallorca For You

Escort to your door is the best escort agency in Palma de Mallorca. We are glad to put you in touch with amazing high class escort girl en Mallorca, only a few clicks on to book your ideal profile.

Some of them shared with us their experiences. Journalist during the day and escort in the evening, Lana tells us what containment reveals in her clients.

Escort girl en Mallorca for five years, the 25-year-old went from 1 client a day to two. Originally, she used to do services occasionally to make ends meet: First apartment, cashier’s job, it wasn’t easy to have fun, she recalls. I saw a TV show about escorting, they were almost advertising it! I tried and joined. You have to be mentally strong, but you make money easily”. After all, “it’s your choice to become the best escort girl in Mallorca.”

How was during the lockdown being an escort girl in Mallorca?

Being an escort girl en Mallorca is not a security job as when they announced the lockdown in March 2020, the daily salary you’ll receive could disappear as there are no funds helping our sector.

But the next day, I was not worried anymore. Men come anyway, that’s not what blocks them. There may be a little less demand, but I still have enough customers. This morning, a local lawyer sat down with me for lunch. The only difference since the start of the lockdown is my timetable, I used to work more during the day than night. Now, more people can get out, I have clients who ask me to spend the night at home and others who stay up until 5 in the morning to quickly escape and join me. They’re more afraid of fines than viruses.

Are they mostly regulars?

Oh no, most of my customers are coming for the first time. I feel that they are beginners: they arrive, embarrassed, and quickly, they tell me that it is their first time with an escort in Mallorca, they do not know how to do it. With lock-down, they cannot find other ways to have sex. Most are young, many are under the age of 30 or 40-50 years husband. You feel like they’re bored and they don’t know what to do. They go online, go to the sites and decide to meet their first escort girl en Mallorca.

In terms of hygiene, do you ask any special attention to your customers?

Basic hygiene is very important in my profession. It doesn’t really change for me because I already wash before and after every report. I don’t believe I can reduce the damage by pausing at particular places. I’m aware that I take risks, yet I do them constantly because I need to earn a living.

Are you the kind of escort who talks to your clients?

Definitely! Being an escort in Mallorca is sharing unique moments with clients and communication skills are sometimes more important than sexual experience. For some customers, an hour is an hour. But when things go well, I’m not in a minute, I even have drinks afterwards.

Would you like to book with any of our escort girls en Mallorca ?

We appreciate and provide privacy for our customers so don’t hesitate to write to us or +34 645 76 83 10. We’ll personalize your needs and will be glad to suggest the best escort girl in Mallorca for you.

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